Threats against myself and wife, my wife tried to end her life


Over many years the company Biomerieux threatened and attacked my wife and. I include below two e mails sent to the company the first details all the threats, sexual abuse, threats to send criminals into my house and that i could be attacked etc. The second mail follows my telephone conversation with the Vice president of the company when he confirmed all the threats thinking they were acceptable. Both e mails had a return receipt, both have been logged with lawyers including the companies, not one word has ever been refuted.
This affair also includes racial and homophobic attacks on my employees and wife. Following the second e mail and after all these years of abuse. My wife fled to the other side of the world for safety (she took our little boy with her), this year she tried to end her life, her very life is in danger today. As you read this members of the public in North carolina and around the US are contacting the company, in N.

Company: Biomerieux
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: RALEIGH, DURHAM, Internet
Phone: 9196202000
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Biomerieux destroyed this family. My wife and I both tried to end our lives

Alain Merieux
Head of a criminal company, destroyed my life, threatened my wife... Lyon

Bignon Lebray
Bignon lebray, corrupt law firm broke my client confidentiality. Lyon, paris

Lionel Hanachowicz
Lionel hanachowicz, corrupt lawyer, broke legal code of confidence to speak to biomerieux my client without my consent. Paris, lyon

Merieux, alain merieux. Vitas, biomerieux criminal organization, threats destroyed my marriage, company, i lost a baby

Amo Consultants - Christian Noizet
Criminal, works with gangsters, biomerieux, steal money does not respect contracts, liar, adulterer. Lyon, france

Racism, abusive, threatened my family, we both tried to end our lives, i was attacked, police entered this company.internet

This company have broken all ethical and moral rules of proper business

Michael Jesse
Mentally and Physically Abusive So Called Husband, Adulterer, Dead Beat Dad only cares about himself false promises

Biomerieux, did not honour its contracts and refused to pay for work done under contract conditions.internet