Wii Fit has a quirk - Wii Fit


I have been trying to keep up at least a modicum of exercise during the cold and rainy months Seattle is known for, and so have been one of the few owners of Wii Fit to continually use the game. I have ceased recently, except on days when I desperately do not want to drive to a gym and the weather outside is horrible. Although I like most of the games and really appreciate how the step aerobics can raise my heart rate while not leaving me breathless, there is one annoying quirk about the program that has made me no longer (at least for the time being) wish to play.

The quirk: If you are a woman, like me, and Wii Fit continually for months agrees that you are "Normal" or in good shape, it is a huge blow to your self esteem when you have the gall to get yourself pregnant. God forbid you still want to use the game; some of the exercises must of course be passed over for reasons of physical restraint, but it is still a good way to get your 30 minutes of daily exercise in. That is, until you do your daily weigh-in. The first time I heard the alarm and my Mii shook and lowered its head dejectedly as the computerized voice admonished me for suddenly being in the category of "Overweight", I felt like a cow. It was as if after all these months of diligent exercise the Wii Fit was suddenly judging me as a lazy twinkie-eater. When it asked me why I thought I might be gaining weight, of course, there is no "I'm pregnant" option on the menu. So I was forced to answer the closest to the truth, that I was eating too much. Of course, I knew this was necessary in order to feed the growing fetus inside me, but Wii Fit is incapable of calculating a woman's naturally increasing weight that would be due to such a normal condition.

Erego, I have stopped using Wii Fit. I currently choose to walk on a treadmill or up and down the street, where if strangers are thinking that I am an obese loser, at least I don't have to hear them tell me so to my face. Perhaps once I've given birth my mind will change and I will start up the game again.

If the geniuses at Nintendo could modify Wii Fit for the pregnant woman, however, they would have an entirely untapped market all to themselves. Just a suggestion, but perhaps someday someone will read this review and realize what a goldmine Nintendo is passing over by ignoring the wish for fitness for the numerous pregnant chicks of the world.

Company: Nintendo
Country: USA
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