Dual-Action Cleanse
Unauthorized product order and Debit of $59.90 from checking account with 2-month auto-shipmment plan without me ever ordering from them or even knowing who they are


I received a package in the mail with an order of "Dual-Action Cleanse" (including a "free" bottle of "Green Tea Natural Energy") in it.

Upon looking at the billing Statement dated 10/20 order number 05524074, it listed 2 items:

1 - D.A.C. 2 MONTH AUTO-SHIP Reg Price 79.00 DEEP Discount -20.00 Total $59.90
2 - GREEN TEA NATURAL ENERGY Reg Price 29.95 DEEP Discount -29.95 Total: FREE

The problem is, I have no idea who these people are and I never ordered the product.

Upon auditing my Checking Account, I noticed the charge of $59.90 was entered on 10/22/09 and posted on 10/23/09. Again, I have no idea how this charge got posted as I never ordered the product.

I tried to call the company but the office was closed so I tried talking to them via LIVE CHAT but that was also closed. The Live Chat provided an option to send them an email which I did. I saved the entire content requesting an immediate full refund, cancellation of 2-month auto-send of the product, and full information regarding how and when this unauthorized order was made and debited from my checking account.

Company: Dual-Action Cleanse
Country: USA
State: California
City: Van Nuys
Address: P.O. Box 10451
Phone: 8009410163
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