Teleflora Flowers
Sad day for an 85 year old Mother... On Mother's Day - online flowers


This letter I sent to Teleflora Flowers, and to date have not heard a word... From the 3-people I addressed it to!

In fairness, I did get my money refunded, but it was after the fact! After numerous conversations, that First started out with... A debate as to the date in question, regarding the actual "delivery date"... With Jessica'.

Below... Is the email I sent, and have not recieved a phone call, nor email!

From: Rhonn

Subject: Sad day for an 85 year old Mother... On Mother's Day!
Cc: "Mr Rhonn"

Date: Wednesday, May 13, 1:53 AM

To Missy Miller/Phil Kleweno/Tom Butler:

I would like you to know about my horrific experience over 1-single order of flowers' that were to be delivered to my 85-year old Grandmother; for Mother's day on Friday before the hectic weekend for Florist... (so I thought)!

I placed an order around 8:18am on Friday May 8Th, for same day delivery (order # 7881764). On Saturday, I called my Grandmother to see if had indeed received them? She stated to me NO...

I called the 800 # and spoke with "Jessica" who insisted that I had put May 9Th, as a delivery date and not the 8Th as I had stated. I explained to her that I knew what date I had submitted and that I was looking that I was actually looking at my confirmation order on my Laptop while I was speaking to her. I even stated that if she gave me an email address I would most certainly send her the email confirmation that was sent by Teleflora.
She then said that she would transfer my call to a Supervisor.instead she dropped my call. So I ended up having to call back, and wait since their was a heavy call wait time.

I finally get with yet another young lady Melissa or Michelle, "who after I explain my story, and my first call being dropped... She proceeds to tell me that "she indeed seeing that my order should have been delivered the day before... But somehow someone had switched the May 8Th date to May 9Th! I of course ask..."who could have done this"? She said; she did not know, but just the same... Would send out emails, regarding this order and for someone' of the 30 florist... To take this late order, and have flower's delivered to another address where my Grandmother would be the whole weekend. (this was due to me explaining to her as to why I had chosen Friday's due date...)!

I can go on and on still at this point...! But I would rather at this point just give you a faster version... Since their were numerous calls, committments, follow-up's by me... Of NO show of flowers, and different people of whom I spoke about this issue...!

Friday May 8Th NO FLOWER'S (due date)
Saturday May 9Th, NO FLOWER'S (pre-mother's day)
Sunday May 10Th, NO FLOWER'S (Mother's Day)
Monday May 11Th, NO FLOWER'S (after Mother's Day)
Tuesday May 12Th, Finally on DAY 5-she receive's Flowers!!!

In fairness... Casandra was the last person I spoke with on Monday May 11Th around 6PM, who told me that She would take it upon herself to make it right, by getting hold of the florist shoppe, and calling me back when the flower's were delivered.

She indeed... Kept her word on all counts and for That I'm truly Thankful to Her...

In fairness; she heard me begging... Literally, because I did state to her " I didn't care if they picked dandelions or Grass for that matter; and put it in a pot" and gave that to her... It was simply a matter of principle...

I simply at the end of the day wanted this "85-year old Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother, Great-Great Grandmother... Who I don't know if she would be here with us Next Mother's day! To simply have some flower's delivered to her, this year as a remembrance of the holiday in which we honor the women in our lives".

This Mother's day for Me, "a grown 45 year old Man" has me in tears... Honestly for taking what may be a last memorable happy occasion on such a date, into a broken heart felt moment...

While other Mother's:
...including her own Daughter-In-Law; who she was visiting over the weekend..."For my Grandmother to see, "Her receive flowers"... And SHE being left emptied handed". This broke my heart...

And this is why I thought I should take the time & write this note/long letter to You. As I made also mention to the people who I spoke with... I didn't want no discounts, nor to Cancel... This to me was not my reason for the calls... Simply have flowers delivered... SOMETHING SO, SO, SIMPLE' (so I thought)!

Mr. Roland "Rhonn" Ramirez
Fort Worth, TX

Order numbers given for my order "were" #7881764, #16066888, #2211301500... All for the same order... I HAD PLACED on May 8th at 8:18AM'

I do hope, that I too' am sending this to the right person...!

Company: Teleflora Flowers
Country: USA
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