NCO Collection Agency - NCO Financial Systems
Paid to settle account, they failed to apply money my account and have no record of payment


My mbna account first went to collections in 1997 with a balance of $1700. My account was sold to nco and acquire interest that bought my account to $3000. I settled for $1000 in Oct. 2008 when i decided to fix my credit to purchase a home. Recently, I enter the home buying process only to be derailed because this account is still on my credit report. I called in hopes to correct this error only to find out thatthe person I paid the money to is no longer employed there, they have no record of my payment and my account has is now in collections for $8000! I feel helpless because I have no way to prove that the account was paid except for the testimony of myself and my fiance. I am an upstanding citizens, teacher and father of five who has to again put my dreams of homeownership on hold because of the fraudualent acts of this company and their employees!

Company: NCO Collection Agency - NCO Financial Systems
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Horsham
Address: 507 Prudential Road
Phone: 8005509619
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