Work Place Like Home -
Allows certain members to BULLY & INSULT. If you fall victim to this behavior and complain, they will ban YOU


This site is a complete waste of time. I had been a member of this site only to recently be attacked within the member forum (Arise Folder / threads), via private message as well as via email. I did not agree with the nasty and hateful gang mentality so they attacked. Apparently, it is not allowed on this board to LIKE Arise Virtual Solutions.
The moderators, Dasher specifically, sits behind the scenes watches members of her core group run the board and incites forum disciplinary measures if you post a contrary point of view. Members are told the board is for all, but that is only true if you have the same opinion as a small and vicious group. When you are attacked and complain, you are told other members are only venting. Apparently only paid members or chums of the moderators are allowed to vent or have an opinion. Perhaps if I were a paid supporter like they 'strongly encourage' EVERYONE who joins, they would not be so biased.
This site is not what is described. It is certainly no longer the virtual water cooler it used to be. Some of the meaner, unprofessional and down right RUDE members include:
This site only values the opinion of a select few. Allows certain members to BULLY & INSULT. If you fall victim to this behavior and complain, they will ban YOU.

Company: Work Place Like Home -
Country: USA
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