Christina Bell
Xtina610 Smeared me on ebay, wanted my jeans for free


SHe bought a pair of my designer jeans on ebay.
It was probably too small for her, so she claimed that it was not authentic. I offered a refund, if she sends it back. Just did not want to deal with a cranky woman over $26 bucks.
She refused to mail it back, instead just smeared me on ebay via untruthfull feedback.
It is a shame that she is alowed to shop on ebay.
I know clothing and shop at Saks, Newmans and Nordstroms, she lives in the boonies and thinks she knows something about clothing.
Just a bad taste in your mouth over this rude and obnoxuous girl.

Company: Christina Bell
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Reading
Address: 1526 kramer ave
Phone: 61037053
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