United Parcel Service
Delivery Practices


I'd a distant fixed once they delivered it back-UPS quit it-no you have had the opportunity to determine where.

The e-mail stated they quit it in front door. Our building is guaranteed so when they truly sent it anyone might go.

This Is Actually The second-time in 3-4 weeks it has occurred.

140 bucks I really donot need to change it.

To depart a bundle out where anybody could possibly get it dosent appear to be good reasoning.

Do I've any option?

Company: United Parcel Service
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
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United Parcel Service
Incompetent delivery

United Parcel Service
Never conduct business with the corporation

Simply awful

United Parcel Service
UPS driver was very courteous and left my package on my front porch

United Parcel Service
The package wasn't delivered until over a week late

United Parcel Service
Avoid at all costs

Good service

United Parcel Service
UPS-Delivered Wrong Customer - Appliance

United Parcel Service
Ripoff Did not deliver packages and refused to refund money paid to them for delivery

Package not delivered and no follow up in timely manne