Zed Publications
Thiefs! Untrustworthy! Fraudulent ripoff business!


They ask for $10, and say they will not ask for any more money. (for supplies and shipping) I got a paper back ONE MONTH later saying they wanted $5 more for computer processing, which I sent. Then I never received anything else from them or even heard from them! DO NOT trust anything that says ZED PUBLICATIONS for "work at home jobs" (was for stapling booklets together at home)

Company: Zed Publications
Country: USA
State: Florida
Address: 2400 E. LAS OLAS BLVD., PMB# 257
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Subco Or Publications Unlimited
Publications not purchase by custome

Literary Guild
Cancelation complaint

Summit Group Publications
Ripoff fraudulent ripoff business

Bottom Line Books
No books delivered

Gulf Coast Readers
Charging me for magazines i've never ordered

Research Publications
COMPLETE SCAM - Company offering a work at home job stuffing envelopes is NOT LEGITIMATE

Stepping Stone Publications
Ripoff, fradulent adverdisment, fradulent employment oppertunities

KGLA Publications Now EMPIRE Publications
Received only part of order paid for in Nov

Publications Unlimited
Unwanted magazines and being charged

Avoid that one