IncFORTUNE of Los Angeles, California 90017 While You Wait Thieves


A slick telemarketer from IncFortune called me to present a fail-proof website business. (I think his name was Bruce Knight but the name Robert Terratie was also mentioned.) I assured him that I was not interested in putting money into an internnet venture but before I realized what he was up to, he had managed to get my credit card number, contact the company and ask them to raise my credit limit by $5,000.

Bruce answered my questions with well rehearsed responses and insisted on holding the line while I signed the contract he had faxed to me. I delayed so he called back in an hour expecting to close the deal. I discovered that he had left out a few details.By signing, I was obligating myself for $5000 plus a hosting case I wanted to cancel within three days, 15% of the $5000 would be refunded.

Shortly Bruce called to see if I had returned the contract. I told him that I intended to go over it with my husband and reluctantly he agreed to call back in the morning.

I called the credit card company to tell them not to release any funds. The customer representative informed me that the company had already drafted $5000 PLUS another $2500!

Be warned. Don't take a call from Power Care or IncFortune and if you do get one, hang up immeditely!

Company: IncFORTUNE, Inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 7000 South Flower St. Suite 1410
Phone: 2139864795
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John Denton, associated with IncFortune scammed me out of thousands

Push Traffic Inc, INCFORTUNE
Push Traffic Inc - INCFORTUNE Avoid Push Traffic Inc and INCFORTUNE - Total Rip OFF! Hang up on any sales call for DVD's. North Carolina

PushTraffic, IncFortune, Ted Molina, John Paul Raygoza They ripped me off just like they rip off their clients

Push Traffic Inc, INCFORTUNE
Push Traffic, Dotintel, David Sipes, Harnel Joel, Successrate Scammed, stole, ripped off, cheated, lied, tricked, manipulated, false promises, criminal

Capital One (VISA), aka, aka, Capital One - Partner in Internet Crime!

Vacation Homes Unlimited In Las Vegas Nevada Owner Bruce Petersen

Commercial Investigations
Debt collection scam RUN don't walk away!

Pushtraffic Inc
IncFortune a scammed customer comments on the devious rebuttal of Raygoza

Bruce M Rowland
ICare Patient Credit iCare Holdings, Software Payment Solutions iCare Payment Credit Canton, Georgia $5000.00 RIP OFF! Bruce Rowland sold me on buying a licence to do business with his iCare pationt solutions never delivered.internet