India Spice House
Business setting a limit to credit card purchase


This business set a limit amount to buy from their store when using any credit or debit cards. They so not accept credit card if something is puchases less than $15.00. I think this a violation of their agreement with their credit card company. How could they set limit to customers how much they need to buy with their credit card? This needs to be addressed quickly. Have filed a complained to local authorities. Also, they try to seel expired edible goods, which is againsts the law.

Company: India Spice House
Country: USA
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Bay Area Business Council (Babc)
Consumers beware. Con artists, fraud, ripoff business from hell

Continental Services
Is a rip-off! Beware!

Hbsc Card Services
These guys are a total rip off california

Juniper Credit Card / Barclays Bank
Reduced credit limit for trumped up reason

Barclays Bank - Juniper
Signed Agreement for $3,500 credit limit — lowers credit limit on customer in good standing

Washington Mutual
Ridiculous Over Limit Fees and Finance Charge to push your balance over the limit

Wpi*ifriends Elite 800-i 07/02
Charged my debit account $9.95 for something that I never even signed up for. I don't even know how to get in touch with them to stop this fraud. I am very upset with this nonsense

Discover Card
Lowered my credit limit, charged interest over the credit limit, charged over limit fee!

Juniper - Barclays Bank
Credit Card IMO And Experience Do Not Use Barclays Bank Juniper Card Juniper/Barclays Bank rips off a customer in good standing

Lowered credit limit from $5,000 to $1,350! Spring House Pennsylvania