Poor Service/Rude CS Rep - Direct TV Satellite Service


I have a Direct TV HD DVR box.

I was more than excited about the idea of having the ability to watch ON DEMAND TV, so I wnet out and spent and additional $75.00 on a gaming router so that I could begin downloading movies and enterntainment. After downloading quite a few pay per view movies... We learned that the DVR was broken. When we tried to watch the movies we downloaded they would pause for 15-20 seconds, every two minutes or so... Making it impossible to watch these movies.

I called and went through a troubleshooting session with one of the technicicans. He had me reformat the hard drive and then said that if it started to act up again to callback and that they would ship me new equipment.

The equipment failed and we found ourselves, once again, unable to watch the movies we had downloaded... And subsequently paid for.

I tried to get customer service to credit the movies only to be treated like a liar or someone who was aksing for something unfair.

The equipment I have does not work. I cannot enjoy my service as a result of that. I have paid for movies that I cuold not watch. Our entire holiday season we without the ability to watch any movies.

I have never felt so cheated in my life. I feel that Direct TV should make some effort to credit me for the time that I could not use the equipment at a minimum.

Customer Serice REP405542 treated me like I was some kind of criminal... Making fun of my last name and telling me that they pay per view movies expire after 24 hours... Over and over again.

That is not even remotely relevant to the issue at hand... Your customer went over a month with faulty equipement.

Everytime I call you for serivice it is at leats a 30 minute conversation... For anything.

I want out of my contract if it is at all possible... I am not pleased with my service.

AT&T Uverse was much better, much more reliable and their CS Department treat you wiht decency.

Company: DirecTV
Country: USA
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