Money not refunded - looking up ancestors


I had submitted a name to and they replied with one possibility BUT I had to give them my credit card number in order to read what they had discovered. They did state that I could cancel, free of charge, anytime within I think it was 10 days or so. However I cancelled within 5 minutes of having given my credit card number. They charged my credit card on 14 July with $83.40. When I discovered this I attempted to cancel once more by e-mail and received no reply nor have they re-imbursed my credit card. I am an senior pensioner and cannot afford to be subsidizing them! PLEASE re-imburse my credit card.

Country: USA
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Scam and fraud

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Wq Long Distance
To cancel anytime. Received credit card charges only after 4 -5 months later for 4 months all @once. Wanted to cancel but will only give credit for 1 month