Greyhound Bus
Baltimore MD to Philadelphia Penn


I had decided to stay longer to visit family right outside of Baltimore and missed the last train going to NYC so I headed to the Baltimore station downtown. It was the evening so I expected a wait and July 3rd; but what I did not expect was the bullying, disorganization, and harrassment that would soon follow me on my ride home. Due to the breakdown of the computer system customers were told online waiting to purchase a ticket that the line was moving slow because tickets had to be written out. I was fine with that since as I stated before I had originally thought to go to a major train company. So as I waited I was told after an hour of being on line with about tweleve people in front of me since I had been on the line that there would be two buses going to New York City. Well that made sense, since again it was a holiday weekend but what didnt make sense that after I purchased my ticket for the bus that would come after the bus I had missed waiting on-line that the second bus I was to get a ticket for I was told after being promised a seat, I may not get one. Well I asked the ticket holder about that since he had just said otherwise and told him so and that what he had said had not made sense to me, he threw up his arms exasperated looking frustrated, even that did not mke me angry what started the downward spiral for me was when I went over to a very disgruntled employee who had been sarcastically remarked for her pleasntness by someone else earlier waiting on line. This employee was standing over to two lines, when I went over to her to ask about what I had been told to by the agent I purchsed the ticket from. At first she blew me off when I then had to ask again with more seriousness about the fate of my trip home. Seizing me up and down she then took one long fingernail in my face and waved it looking at me stating where I needed to stand to try to get a ride home that night after purchasing my ticket. Now this individual was somewhat older than me in her late forties to early fifties I would gather but in my thirty something years I had never had someone in annoyance with a smirk direct me where I may or may not wait for a service I had already purchased for. I looked at her finger as she moved it away from me. As the bus driver who would be riding this 10:20 P.M. Bus pulled into the gate the older gentlemen who was unsure about the relevancy of my ticket told me I had a seat afterall. As I hurried to the 10:20 bus that would arrive in Philly where I would then have to transfer for a bus going home, I saw the same woman I had just asked for clarification on my ticket stand over with a bunch it appeared other Greyhound workers near the bus I was about to travel on. Hurrying for the seat a young man near the bus speaking to them who I assumed handled the baggage as we stepped on the bus I gave my suitcase to he smiled looking at the group of ladies and told me: " I don't work for Greyhound." I apologized and then looked for the person who did as the same female worker now standing next to her co-workers heckled and said: " Hee! She can't tell the difference between who works for Greyhound and who doesn't?!" Then turning back with laughter to those she was conversing with. I had had it, I walked over and said: "It makes you feel good to be condescending to people doesn't it?" She looked at me blank faced and anwered no: "I wasn't being conscending to anyone." I answered: " Yes you were and that was unprofessional." I then turned around again and then gave the man who turned up was working for greyhound my luggage and went to find a seat on the bus, not knowing things would find a way to get worse.
I found an aisle seat not to far away about three rows from the driver when about five minutes later we departed from the terminal after I looked out the window he exchanged words and smiles with the same woman I had confronted. It took about ten minutes later for the driver to introduce himself to all of us now on the bus as we already began to embark on a highway when in the midst of his rules and regulations he adds on: " There are some people on this bus that have an attitude way before they got on this bus, before we go any further if you give me any mouth, you can get off this bus right now and walk the rest of the way, no problem for me. If you have an attiude that's a problem deep inside of you, you've got issues. (Smirking) You're not speaking to me any kind of way so I suggest you shut your lips if you have any issues and enjoy the rest of the ride. I don't want to hear any lip, you get out of line you get off my bus. Some of you I hear have some major problems and you need to deal with that, there's something deeply wrong inside of you." Well coincidence? A half an hour later this individual driving the bus who has on board another coworker - a woman accompanying him are talking, he is loud and he is talking about everything from traveling to making up codes numbers when the sytem has broken down on him in the past with Greyhound to being suspended on the job. I'm listening flabbergasted, the woman co-worker who had originally been laughing withj him at his first annoucement is now being a bit more reserved he then goes on to talking about being single and then adds raising his voice: "But I'm done, cuz' some of these woman don't know how to act!" Looking up in the rearview mirror not at me but in my direction. I never said a word even though I grew more and more apalled because my first priority was to get home not this person getting a rise out of me however I knew that I would have to report this when thirty minutes later after that as we are approaching Philadelphia, out of no where the driver continues to drive home: "Yeah well its a full bus but it seems like some people didn't even want to make it here! Some seemed to want to stay in Baltimore!" To which his coworker replied: "Well Philly does have a high crime rate."
Once I arrived to Philly I said nothing to the bus driver who I believe is driving under Greyhound insane, and Greyhound is allowing someone of this nature this job at hand. It is one thing to disagree or state your case but the randomness of my incident with these employees working at Greyhound as much as I travel, make it hard to believe they will get any more bussiness out of me again. Although once I arrived in Philadelphia to get on the next bus, that bus ride was indeed smoother the craziness of the Baltimore station leaved little for me to say good about a bus company that would allow such people to represent under them. Which much regret that was and will be my last memory of ever taking Grey Hound Bus again. You've been forewarned...

Company: Greyhound Bus
Country: USA
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Greyhound Bus
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