Watch NFL Games Online
NFL Digest Online These guys have a peer to peer scam going on and claim that you can get all the NFL games. I feel for the scam. Servers were down 100% of the time. The will refund minus 9.95. Imagine that time 1000's


I purchased this peer 2 peer software that was supposed to allow me to watch ALL of the NFL games via my computer. I get the popcorn ready as T.O. Coined it and settle in to watch NFL games and there is NO connection when kickoff was on. Yes I saw a little NFL Network before kickoff and got a little action of the Cowboys/Bucs game. But then the dowloading was really horrible. The picture froaze constantly and then I lost all feeds.
They advertise that they are backed by the different groups i.E. AOL, CNN, CNet, and NBC. But let me tell you it is a total fraud and they do not have the capacity server wise to carry out their service.
They charge 44.95 for a so called membership then direct you over to, which is FREE anyway and make it seem like they are doing you a favor.
When asking for a refund they refund all but $9.95 as a handling fee. Can you imagine this hustle times the 1,000's who fell for this scam? Wow. Our Country is really Bernie Madoff inspired!!

Company: Watch NFL Games Online
Country: USA
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Membersarea-games MBCONTACT
Misleading marketing. Site promised game downloads with membership. Paid $34.95 for instruction on steeling software via bit torrent downloads

Live-Global-Sports Network
Advertised college football games available for live streaming that were not actually available after I paid and joined

24/7 Downloads
Do not use with mac. Customer service horrible They take your money and you never hear from them New York
Rip-off, Very Miss-Leading, Can't contact anyone from the company

All Facebook Games
Consumer Report

Yes Network
Watch all yankees games here Nc
Ripoff, worthless, misleading, deceptive, vague, fraudulent, unusable, software is free elsewhere

Electronic Arts Corporation - EA GAMES
EA Video Games EA will not maintain a proper server for Battlefield 1943 (xbox 360)

Charged me for free software and I cannot cancel membership ripoff

Mp3 University
Ripoff won't refund money to unsatisfied customer Internet