Fbk Products Or Septic Remedy
Septic Savior They keep calling. & today UPS left a pkg. On my porch & it was "SepticSavior" & 'I NEVER ORDERD" ANYTHING FROM THESE IDIOTS! MY DAD IS 81 & IN A Nursing home with Dementia, I, AM the 'sole owner now Deerfield


This is the 2nd. Time in 1 year, i have been "HARRASSED" BY THESE IDIOTS! At 1st. It was "constant call's all day. EVERYDAY! They stopped for awhile, then last week, i get a call from them asking for my Father, who now is in a Rest Home. I told them Not Interested & my No. Is on the Do not call list. Today, i walked out & a PKG. From "Septic Savior" shows up addressed to my Dad. I called them & told them i don't want the "CRAP" & i was not going to pay to have it shipped back. When it was "NEVER ORDERD"!! The woman i spoke with was a B*h & said i would have to pay shipping in order for them to accept it Back. All i have to say is " THEY CAN "KISS MY A* "!!!

Company: Fbk Products Or Septic Remedy
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Deerfeield Beach
Address: 600 Fairway Drive, Suite101
Phone: 1800761202
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Fbk Products Or Septic Remedy
Septic Savior Harassing Phone Calls

Septic Relief Now Inc
Septic Magic Septic Scam Septic Snake Oil Sales Internet

Septic Maxx
Septic Maxx, AJ Larkin Unnecessary Septic Additives

FBK Products - Selective Health
Update: new soliciting for 1. Correction to original product & 2. Septic insurance ripoff Boynton Beach Florida

Septic Magic inc
Represent themselves as FBK products and tell you the FBK septic helper is no good

Fbk Products Or Septic Remedy
They tried to get me. Rip off report saved me

Fbk Products Or Septic Remedy
Septic Remedy Their unprofessional inept business practices stoop to illegally harassing consumers

JC Septic Service, Inc
Jc Septic pumped out our septic tank and 4 months later when the tank backed up he refused to examine the problem without charging a callout fee

Septic Magic
Didn't stand behind their guarantee, and refund 181.95

Septic solutions
Called company for septic tank pumping on 11-30-10 quoted $280.00-300.00 charged $600.00 & tank was damaged during pumping they refuse to repai