Value Buzz


My spouse and that I purchased furniture at Areas Togo and received a voucher for "$500 bucks free goods". We employed a certificate passcode to start the procedure on after which were delivered to Worth Hype to join up which we did. We were recommended to publish food bills totaling $100 to be able to get a $25 buck Credit bank card, this method was designed to proceed till we achieved an overall total of $500. During the last couple weeks we've posted two bills and also have gotten nothing. Today the web page and telephone numbers are unavailable. Therefore much for-free goods, we're not necessarily out anything simply our period and trouble but this Worth Hype is just a genuine mis-representation. I guess they cost the shops for supplying these so-called client bonuses and disappear.

Company: Value Buzz
Country: USA
State: Texas
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Value Buzz Saving Club-time Warner
$300 free grocery vocher
I can't access website or phone numbe

Value Buzz
Unable to contact

Value Buzz
Unauthorized billing
Voucher redemption online
Non responsive website

Value Buzz
Out OF Business
Website down

Value Buzz
Cannot be reached - failed to provide rebates promised

Simmons Beautyrest Mattress
Never Again!