Xtreme Marketing
Huge scam!


About a month ago I had a young guy come to my door selling me magazines. He said that he was trying to get funded for a trip. He kept talking and talking about this trip and how great it would be if he were to be able to go. I looked over the magazines... And truthfully hadn't heard of many of them but i caved in and ordered 2 issues, equaling a total of $120!!!

After he had left I had a funny feeling so I called the number on my reciept and asked to cancel my order when it comes it. The lady told me that I would have to send in both the reciepts in order to have it cancelled. So I did just that and figured that everything had been cancelled. Then a couple weeks ago I looked into my checking account and they had cashed both my checks!!!

I was very upset and when i tried to call them back they said it was the wrong number... I called the exact same number I called to cancel my order and now its the wrong number not even 2 weeks later!!! The check bounced because I thought it was cancelled and now they keep trying to reprocess the check! I'm very upset because I still can't get in touch with them. I can't believe someone would do such a thing! I'm disappointed that I fell for something like that. I've never trusted door to door sells person... And now i know why.

Company: Xtreme Marketing
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Buford
Address: 303 W Shadburn Ave
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Xtreme Marketing, Inc... Direct Circulation Inc Magazine SCAM! Students coming door to door selling magazines to help take a school trip

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