United Strength Of America
United Strength of America September 6 Rally in Washington DC Cancelled


United Strength of America, a group of people that had worked with Steve at Freedoms First (consumer complaints 0467736 and 0468529, had a rally planned for September 6 in DC. They have now canceled that Rally (rescheduling it in their words) to support the 9/12 Rally. That is after they were badmouthing Steve and his 9/12 efforts.

We can learn something from these events. The first thing, is never donate or give these groups your email address. The second, is never plan on these rallies actually happening. Never prepay to book a room or a flight. We have yet to see one of these events go off.

We have had dealings with the September 6 Rally people. We have found them to be threatening, devious, rude and strange. Other people familiar with this group, call them "backbiters" for a reason. They put up a website announcing their Rally and you never hear from them for weeks. They ask for your email and donations, then suddenly "reschedule" the Rally. Lets hope no elderly people or patriots on a fixed income contributed to these folks.

Company: United Strength Of America
Country: USA
State: District of Columbia
City: Washington
Site: www.unitedstrengthofamerica.com
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