Van Ru Credit Corp
Constant harrassement and threats to garnish wages and I have been paying


I agreed to 9 monthly payments, on the sixth payment the bank had a breach in security and reissued new cards. I called the van ru when i did not see a payment was recieved by van ru, they stated that it would be alright to just make one payment and i gave them the new security numbers on the back of the new card. Next thing i get is letters being sent to addresses that belong to the deceased parent of my company president and threating phone calls for garnishment, I called van ru again and they said no garnishment would be taken. This was is may. At the beginning of July I contact the dept of Education to find out just how much I had paid on this account. And on July 15th i recieve a letter stating they want to garnish my wages. This Company is nothing more than a stinking armpit. I would like to pursue charges against van ru but do not know where to begin. I pay 289.00 a month towards this debt and they are adding on interest fees any where from $ 15.00 dollars a month up to 42.00 dollars a month and also are charging me a 56.59 dollar a month collection fee.

Company: Van Ru Credit Corp
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Des Plaines
Address: 1350 E. Touhy Ave, Suite 300E
Phone: 8004682678
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