Video Professor
Advertised a product at a reasonable price without disclosing the full cost of the product. Denver lakewood


Video Professor does not use legitimate business practices. If they disclosed the full $189.00 up front no one would buy his product and he would not be in business today. John Scherer knows this and so he deceives people in his tv ads and on his website. They have a box for you to check and a link: HOW IT WORKS. Unless you click on the link you have no idea that you will be charged 189.00. You also have no idea that you will be continually charged $189.00.

Yes, shame on me for not reading the fine print and waiting to verify that I wasn't being charged for his products. This guy presents himself as a legitimate business and I don't know any business that A) doesn't tell you up front how much you are being charged after disclosing another cost B) tells you the FULL cost of the product on the disclaimer on a separate web link! And C) doesn't tell you upfront that you will be continually charged after your original product has been sent. Why would I want software telling me how to use Microsoft Word? I was charged multiple times.

John Scherer is a crook. He is scum. He operates just like Madoff. He preys off the trust and goodwill of hard working Americans. He needs to be shut down. Bring a class action suit against this guy. The FEDS need to take him down. He is stealing people's money right and left.

Company: Video Professor
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Lakewood
Address: 12055 W. 2nd Place
Phone: 8005194110
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Video Professor John Scherer Founder/CEO
Video Professor John Scherer Founder CEO ripoff fraud business ripoff thieves As Seen On TV

Video Professor, Inc. John W. Scherer
Video Professor Industries Is there a class action lawsuit againest the Video Professor?!

Video Professor
John W. Scherer the ripoff TV crook of the year

John W. Scherer - Video Professor
Deceptive business practices - ordered 6.95 video on how to learn ebay and video professor charhed checking account 189.95

Video Professor / John Scherer
Ripoff, fraud, deceptive trade practices, theft against the elderly, being a scumbag Denve

Video Professor
Refund request and stop billing

Video Professor Inc
They charge my credit card 2 times slidell, louisiana

Video Professor
Sent product back within 10 days still charged $189 - what a SCAM Denver Colorado

John W. Scherer Aka Video Professor
John W. Scherer, Video Professor Total scam which preys on the unsophisticated and the elderly

Video Professor VIDPROF
Never ordered trial training video, charged my credit card twice at 193.80 for two months - fraudulent dealings