Blazing Words Networks
A illegal money laundering so call company... Taking money out of my account without notification and or permission


I ordered a cd from this so call company for $1.97 and never recieved anything not an email address, a letter, nor a phone call, the only thing i recieved, is a negetive balance in my bank account. They took money out of my account without permission so im not gonna let them get away with this. I know too much about legal and illegal businesses and i also know too many damn good lawyers to let them get away with this so im gonna get my money and more no matter what!

Delbert *
salters, South Carolina

Company: Blazing Words Networks
Country: USA
Phone: 8772085903
Site: blazing words
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Sevenhrdiet... Or 7hrdiet
Consumer Report

Sevenhrdiet... Or 7hrdiet
Consumer Report

Teliflex Long Distance 49.95 taken out of my account without my permission Ripoff

Columbia House

Blazing Words
Com Unauthorized deductions, Thiefs, Scam Artists

Taking money out of my bank account without permission. Stonebridge Benefit Services, Inc

Fraud and cheating

Allied Interstate
Illegally taps into account (do not give them info) Rip-off!

Blazing Words
Withdrew $72.21 out of my bank account without my permission

Enhance Financial Services
Consumer Report