Childhelp should be called childhell


I have read many of these allegations on childhelp and many of these reports are true. Although though I no longer worker there the article I read on Diana is false. What people need to address are the issues that staff face everyday which are mainly in the residential department ran by Jose Gonzalez. Many people who knew him from Trinity say he is a pot head. These same people say he would smoke pot with the residents at Trinity. What kind of leader is he? The employees at childhelp are tired of all the mess that goes on in this place. Childhelp is a fake, right down to the fake set ups they do when they have tour's to come to the facility and pull out these fake ass set ups. You have to use these fancy bathroom rugs (which never get used) and towels that only see the light of day when the rich people come. We then use these fancy table cloths (all fake). When the people leave, so does all the fancy stuff. The kids they get are kids that no other facility will take. They no longer have innocent children. The kids will curse you out, punch, slap and spit at you. The staff are no longer safe. When staff go to work, they dont know weather they will go home in their vehicles or in an ambulance. It is true that the restraints have gone down, but what about the staff injuries. That is what corporate should look at. The staff might as well be going to Iraq to fight, its a everyday war zone. The kids at childhelp are out of control and the staff are under paid and over worked. The residents run off with other residents and they have sex with each other. Lets not talk about the high turn over rate in the cottages. Lets go back to the wonderful children who are as tall as the staff and weigh more than the staff which are mostly all women. The administration say we need the money, so we will get even worse children. But if the residents hit you we are told to walk away. Oh! It's never one hit, it's a series of blows to the face and head. Try walking away from that. Where is the protection for the staff? Chidhelp will say they have restraints and other interventions. But let a staff do a restraint, they will end up in human resources looking for another job like me. The interventions are a joke. Here is an example: a 150lb resident is cursing and yelling at you with a hand full of rocks and a wooden stick. He is charging at you and swinging the stick in a fit of rage. Now, you have a few choices: First, you can ask johnny, "do you want to color." Second, you can ask johnny, "do you want to go for a walk." Third you can ask johnny, "why are you mad." By now the staff have a hole in there head and the company doesn't care because you can be replaced. Childhelp is like a modern day mafia, if you talk you will end up missing. Someone needs to tell the poor old Ladies what really goes on at there precious village of childhelp. So dont forget your helmets staff and bring your bag of ice while your at ChildHELL.

Company: Childhelp
Country: USA
State: California
City: Beaumont
Address: 14700 Manzanita Park Rd
Phone: 9518453155
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