Usa Bebifits
USA Benifits took money from my checking account with out my consent


I applied for a loan on line when up popped USA Benifits page I checked no, the page refreshed and it was changed to yes and my income was changed.
I tried to correct it but it wouldnt let me. Now they have taken 49.95 from my checking account. I am on disability and wife is unemployed at the moment. They have now put my account in the negative with a 30.00 NSF Fee added. I only get paid once amonth and now Im setting here in the hole with the back no money to even buy toilet paper because USA Benifits stole from me. I will be calling them come Monday, This Saturday and they are closed. (I guess even theifs need a day off) but from what Ive seen on this web page it sounds like Im in for a fight. But fight I will. Times are really tough right now, Im worried about how Im going to keep my power on in 113 degree weather and these people turn around and rip me off. So people beware and becarefull when you do anything on line, someone is always out to get you one way or another.

Company: Usa Bebifits
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Uniontown
Address: One Millenium Dr
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USA Benifits
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