Destiny Sales Inc
Magazine Sales


As per the report of others well dressed, well researsed young man claiming to helping some cause selling magazines, claiming to know / have sold to your neighbors. Talks you into an overpriced subscription package $100 (of which we named to local boys & girls club) Whole adventure didn't seem right checked web for vendor found others reports of others exact same thing, cancelled check & sent cancellation into copmpany e-mail address. I have don't think magazines ever would have reached the charity as intended as the reciept did not even name the intended delievry address. Seller caught spouse @ awarkard time & got inital sale but checking company sale cancelled. Writing this report to help others as I found on this site.

Company: Destiny Sales Inc
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: P.O. Box 660675 # 31445
Phone: 8009529215
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Ultimate Power Sales (clearing business through United Family Circulation)
Deceptive Sales of Magazines for "Charity", Frederick County

Ftft - Face To Face Technologies - Miami Dream Team, Inc
Took a $60.00 check from me for magazines that I never got

Ecr Inc
Magazine Sales

Readers Across America - RAA
Ripoff — I canceled my subscription and they still deposited my checks

Marquis Fulfillment Agency LLC
Titanium Sales, Inc I was Ripped Off $51.00 to a door to door young adult claiming to be a University of Washington student selling magazines to subsidize a school trip

Sold magazine under the false pretense

Palmetto Marketing
Ipoff Magazine sales door to doo

Magazine subscription scam

Awful experience

Face To Face Technologies Inc
Face to Face Technologies Inc. Young woman sold me a magazine subscription for two years, claiming it was for a local contest for high school kids. Very personable and warm, that girl. Impossible to resist!