Christian Dillon Law Offices
National housing loan modification center (nhlmc)


About 8 months ago I realized that I was in trouble with my mortgage due to loss of regular income and the housing market tanking in Hawaii. I was approached by the law firm of Christian Dillon about getting my loan modified so that I could keep it. The fee was $3500.00 for his services. He stated that once he took the case then I no longer had to make any house payments and I was NOT to talk to the lender, let him handle everything. I trusted this guy, but after about 90 days and still no word on my modificiation I called him back and asked where was the paperwork, the response was OH, its on the way, just sit tight it should be there shortly. Another month went by and still nothing, again I called, this time I got the run around. I flew to CA from Hawaii, went directly to the office and was told that the guy working on my file had been fired. They apologized for the delay and assured me that a new file would be worked up immediately, that they would stay in touch with me and get things back on tract. Another month went by, nothing. Now I'm out $3500.00, still no loan modification and I don't know IF I'll be able to keep my home due to "not co-operating"with the lender. My account has been turned over to a collection agency that is not the most co-operative either. OCWEN in Florida and they have consumer complaintsS filed on them as well. I don't know who to turn to or what to do now. There are so many of these scams going on, don't get caught in one! Make sure to go directly to your lender and deal with them yourself, don't let this happen to you!


Company: Christian Dillon Law Offices
Country: USA
State: California
Address: 34118 PACIFIC COAST HWY #5
Phone: 9494963933
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