Grant Express
This company uses false and misrepresenting practices


I read and ordered thier product after calling them and telling them I was going to cancel after signing up. They said that that was ok, that their purpose was to help people. Ordered on Monday and canceled on Tuesday. On wed I had two charges from separate companies that they were selling their products. I called and canceled again. On Friday I had more charges and I callled and canceled again. At that point I recorded conversations and I was told the money would be reversed that day. It wasn't and I called my bank. Nothing had been yet so I am fuiling this and a complaint with the Attorney General's office in Texas. If enough people will do likewise then their practices will be stopped

Company: Grant Express
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 10210 Grant Rd
Phone: 2819704399
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IWB Club
Bank Fraud, Credit Card Fraud, following Grant Funding Search Fraud

Dazzle White
Extra charges

Eliteacai berry
Acaiberry detox FWM Laboratories Took my money for a product I never recieved. Also told me I didn't cancel on time when I never recieved the product I tried to cancel and they said okay and then billed me $82.31

Dazzel White
Unauthorized Charges

Acai Berry Maxx
Unauthorized charges

Ripoff Internet

Acai Berry Detox
Unauthorized charges

Acai Berry Maxx
Canceled product both by phone and email and keep sending product and deducting money monthly from my bank account

Does Not Cancel Accounts When Requested eMusic continues to bill you on a hidden account when you cancel Floo

Wax vax
I ordered three by mistake then ordered one with a free one. One min. Later. I tried to cancel the first order and they said it was to late to cancel cause it was already shiped and they canceled the