Manchanda Law Offices
Rahul Manchanda - He calls himself a Lawyer, now thats stretching it


If you have an immigration/matrimonial/civil problem, you are stressed out, low in morale and have extra cash at hand and have no idea how to best spend it, there is hope for you. Hire the Law Offices of Manchanda to work for you. I can guarantee, they will help you wipe out your savings, give you more ulcers, stress and make sure your lifespan decreases by ten years, and you will still lose your case.

How? Well, to start with, Mr Manchanda is the most incompetent lawyer in New York City. So that helps. Then he has a knack of finding even dumber attorneys that he knows will not be around for more than 6 months. The first step is the phone call. He will promise the world to you, but make it sound like your case is the most complex case he has ever heard of. He will make sure you sign the retainer - that is the key. He will do everything in his power to make sure you sign the RETAINER. If he has to make you believe that the IRS, the INS (BSCIS), the Fed is after you to deport you... He will tell you he has insiders in these agencies that help him keep a tab on the other party. You have come to Mr Manchanda because you saw his name on some newspaper or on the internet. You have no idea about his credibility. You obviously didn't go there because of a "referral". No sane person in his/her right mind would refer you to him (unless your friend' is not really a friend, but a gritty foe). You have no choice at that point, and you sign the retainer.

Then he starts his magic. He uses his team of illiterates as his surrogates to launch an attack on your retainer money the moment you sign one. He will cook up magic entries in your invoice to make it seem like the office is busy and working on your case day and night. The retainer money will be over in no time, and you will not be told about it; you just get a huge bill in your mail. But then he will have 10 reasons why they ran through your retainer in the first month, and that most of the work is done and that going forward, it shouldn't take a whole lot to get the case resolved.

Then his issues with how he deals with his own staff! I was appalled at the name-calling he did for some of his female-staff members (behind their backs, of course). He would tell you how these new graduates have found the best place to work; and how they all try to extend help over-and-beyond their required duties to stay in his firm; that they would often do things that I can not mention on this forum, And you would obviously believe all that is true because you think he is such a big shot, these girls' (that's one of the more lenient terms he uses for his female staff-members). No wonder the revolving door spins way too fast at his office. If you watch his staff for over 6 months, you wont find a repetition in names.

The guy keeps breaking the attorney-client privacy rule every time you talk to him. He kept on reminding me how a director in Hollywood (I won't disclose his name) had a messy matrimonial case that had international law underpinnings, etc. Just to show that he is a big shot. But he fails to realize that he is violating the attorney-client privacy. But you wouldn't care, as you think you are getting a BIG SHOT working for you!

But I could care less about how he deals with his own staff; that's his problem. If he does a good job after over spending by 5-10 times the estimated amount, I can still forgive this creature. But he doesn't deliver on his promises! He loses his case, and you have no choice but to look for other attorneys that can pick up pieces and start all over again. It's a joke he calls himself an attorney. I doubt if he has ever been to the court to see what the judge wants, and what other attorneys do for a living.

To recap:
2. He hires fresh graduates that have no idea what they are getting themselves into.
3. He over charges you every month. Once you have signed the retainer, you are stuck in a one-way street.
4. He calls himself an attorney, when he clearly is not. This is obviously a joke (I really doubt the authenticity of the degrees he has; even if he passed those exams, that doesn't make him a good attorney, it gives him a certificate to throw at our face when we question his choice of actions - "I do this for a living, I know what I am doing").
5. He violates attorney-client privacy every time he starts marketing himself. He will also tell you how he is one phone call away from the ex-president of the country.
6. He does name-calling for the female-members of his staff claims they think they are fortunate that they work for him.
7. His staff does not stay with him for more than a few months; that's saying something about his practice, I think.
8. He has tried to close Ripoff reports numerous times, but he fails to understand his rights, my rights, and complaint's rights. He always has problems with allocating jurisdiction. Its a hard concept for him to swallow that just because he has a law degree, he can not control your life.

Hoboken, New Jersey

Company: Manchanda Law Offices
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 80 Wall Street
Phone: 2129688600
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Rahul Manchanda - Manchanda Law Offices
He calls himself a Lawyer, now thats stretching it

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Rahul Manchanda - Dishonest, Fraudulent billing, Over priced, clueless

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