They tried to steal my soul

Miscellaneous - A grand illusion (Scam)

I come to you today in an effort to expose a pitiful excuse for a website known as

This website is nothing more than a front for a marketing agency that hires folks at minimum wage to call small businesses around the world in an attempt to sell adspace on their website. The telemarketers are duped into believing that the site has substance when, if you actually spend more than a few minutes logged in to the place, you'll discover a disturbing lack of depth.

There is nothing going on at all there.

The telemarketer will offer to give you one month of free advertising on the site at no cost to you. Once you agree to the deal, they will ask you for a credit card number to 'get you setup". They tell you that it's a simple $5 setup fee involved in creating your banner for placement on the site.

If you press and ask what the monthly charge is after your free month is up, it'll be something like $80 per month. They will try to gloss over this fact quickly and their main goal is to harvest your credit card number for the boss.

How do I know this?

Because I answered an ad for a position with them a couple months ago.

I visited the small and disorganized office that had been rented locally. The website was pitched to me as a busy and fast growing site that was sweeping the nation.

I was shown a login and a standard user account. The hiring guy showed me the user's backend quickly and I'll admit it; at first glance I was excited about selling adspace on the site.

I went home happy to have been hired.

The boss told me that I'd be able to watch training videos the next day. I noticed that the videos were hosted on youtube so, when I got home, I did a search and found them.

Watch these videos to see for yourself. Pay particular attention to the confidence the speaker assumes when it comes time to get a credit card number. This isn't his first rodeo, that's for sure.

Easy sale script: V=rK_VFIHed00

Tough Sale script: V=CtYWH3wDMt0

I was interviewed and hired by the fellow in glasses

It was disturbing, let me tell you. Here's his cell phone number by the way... 386... His name is Jeff. That's the number I got from the hiring ad so, it's public knowledge. Use it as you see fit. Perhaps you'd like a job working for the likes of Dr. Evil, I chose another path.

Having had my suspicions aroused by the pitch due to a previous experience witha similar company many years ago, I decided to investigate a little more thoroughly.

It became readily apparent that the listing of winners and their comments rang false to me. If I didn't know any better, I'd say the images were skimmed from facebook or myspace and that the commentaries are all contrived. I'd further guess that not a dime has been payed out to any winners on the lame gambling function that the site has.

I invite to produce statements to the contrary, please.

It won't happen, and here's why.

The site is a pure illusion that has been developed to prey on the internet illiterates of the small business fact, these small businesses are the targets. The staff is instructed to stay away from big name companies and to only call 'Mom and Pop' type businesses.

After quickly seeing through this foul illusion, I decided to check the rankings for on Alexa. Nothing. Their traffic rating doesn't even register.

Why? It's because the only folks that are members are the advertisers and, they don't even register themselves. The representative harvests some simple information during the pitch that the boss uses to create user accounts for the sucker... Er, their clients.

Did I want to work for these people? Could I willingly deceive honest hardworking folks like myself?

With these questions turning over in my mind, I approached my wife and told her about my misgivings. She asked me if I'd lie, cheat, or steal to feed my family. At first I answered a firm yes, but as the night wore on and the morning came, I decided to pass on the job.

I'm now working happily as a server at a local restaurant that is known for its high standards. While I'm not making as much as I'm used to, at least I've saved my soul from damnation.

While I hold no ill will towards the dupes that have been hired to market this website, I for one have seen through the vile illusion that has been woven and could not bring myself to sell my soul.

My purpose in writing this article is to inform the world of a great evil that is being perpetrated and in so doing, to hopefully cut this blight out of the internet.

If you have the power to spread the word about this, please do so. Small business owners around the world will thank you for it if you but share this knowledge with them.

The internet yellow pages is where the site generates its leads from... No one is safe.

Thanks for reading. is a scam, don't fall for it if they happen to call you someday.

And never... Ever... Give out your credit card to someone that has called you out of the blue!

Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Daytona
Phone: 3862351428
  <     >  


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