VNU VNUmobile - SCAM long distance phone company


This company provided international long distance from the United States to VN and other countries around the world. The first month of service is ok, you can make long distance calls to VN. However starting the second month you can not make any calls at all. Let me repeat -You can not make any calls at all.

I call the customer service to let them know the problem, they said there was a problem with the line, try back in a week. I told them I don't want to try back, just refund my money back to my credit card. They say 'yes', but it's has been more than a month and no refund at all. I try to call them several times this week but there were no answers.

Company: VNUmobile
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Address: 5430 Jimmy Carter Blvd. Suite 238
Phone: 8886586865
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Optonline, One Call
Ripoff, fraudulent billing, dishonest, billing scam

Verizon Residential
Customer service

Ripoff Tellis One Call Comm

AMR Long Distance SVC & AMR/MCi WorldCom/TTI
Amr long distance service is a ripoff aka AMR/WorldCom/TTI - MCi all ripoffs

Ripoff dishonest ripoffs receiving wrong bills and threats

Verizon Southwest
Verizon - Ripoff Outrageous International Long Distance Rates

MCI - The Neighborhood
Ripoff - false advertising. I received the "Neighborhood" special for $39.99 mo. Unlimited long distance/local Monthy bill was ALWAYS up to $70.00 mo

ATT Long Distance
Welcome to the new ATT!

TeleUno International
TeleUno complaints

Sprint PCS
Fraudulent Advertising of Roaming and Long Distance ripoff