Scholarship Monthly Magazine - Tom Herbst (owner/publisher)
Scholarship Monthly Magazine, Tom Herbst (owner/publisher) Ditto the not paying employees


Scholarship Monthly Magazine has gone through a battery of employee "teams, " many of whom have since filed suits. Once the current team of employees - writers, salespeople, graphics/layout artists, etc. - don't get paid, they all quit and new players are brought in (can't really say "hired, " since they are never paid, either) with similar promises.
Publisher/Owner Tom Herbst will then find someone else to blame, usually it's "the sales staff, " then says he is sorry but is filing bankruptcy. Yet to see that happen.
All the while, he is taking more fraudulent subscriptions, advertisements and making identical promises.
Seems to be a pattern here.
As mentioned, it is/was a good publication, in spite of the weasels at the top.
Sadly, many people are out money, wasted a ton of time and effort, and I'm afraid many students are left hanging by their promises.
Avoid at all costs, and I'm glad to see some of his victims are now filing suit against him.
This shark should be doing time.

Company: Scholarship Monthly Magazine - Tom Herbst (owner/publisher)
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Minneapolis
Phone: 7632281861
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Scholarship Monthly Magazine, Educational Dreams
Scammed internet users and students, failed to pay employees Minneapolis

Scholarship Magazine LLC/Scholarship Monthly Magazine
New Scholarship Magazine Not Paying Employees/Ripping off subscribers

Scholarship Monthly Magazine
Taking From The Poor

Scholarship Magazine LLC / Scholarship Monthly Magazine
Phony magazine subscription

Scholarship Magazine LLC / Scholarship Monthly Magazine
Lying to All & Not paying Employees / Fraudulant activities / False Advertising

Educational Dreams LLC / Scholarship Monthly Magazine LLC / / Scholarshipmonth Does not pay employees, Lies about Gas card give away, poor business practices

Scholarship Monthly Magazine, LLC
Charged me for a subscription that i never consented

US Circulation Corp
SCAM - Rip Off!

US Circulation Corp
SCAM - Rip Off!

Scholarship Monthly Magazine Inc
High pressure promise of $100 gas card-never delivered. Received first magazine only. Contact numbers and website unavailable