Scholarship Monthly Magazine, LLC
Charged me for a subscription that i never consented


I recieved a call from a representative of Scholarship Monthly Magazine not to long ago. He made everything sound real nice but i did not and i dont have the moey to pay for the magazine subscription of $72.00. I have contacted the company various times complaining that they are sending me magazines that i NEVER said i wanted. This is not right and coming from a company that supposedly wants to help they are just causing more difficulties for me and i want to let everybody know that they just want money and they do not care who they hurt. If this company does not take action and take care of the problem i will.

Company: Scholarship Monthly Magazine, LLC
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Minneapolis
Phone: 8886150100
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Scholarship Magazine LLC / Scholarship Monthly Magazine
Phony magazine subscription

Scholarship Monthly Magazine
Taking From The Poor

Sunshine Subscription Agency
Sunshine Subscription Agency is a Rip-Off

Scholarship Monthly Magazine Inc
High pressure promise of $100 gas card-never delivered. Received first magazine only. Contact numbers and website unavailable

Scholarship Magazine LLC/Scholarship Monthly Magazine
New Scholarship Magazine Not Paying Employees/Ripping off subscribers

Gourmet Magazine
Slamming How I received an email bill for a subscription I never wanted. New York New York

Parents Magazine
Unrequested Magazine Subscription! With no Phone # to contact!

Publishers billing association
Keeps sending me renewels for magazines i alreadu paid for, now i have a double subscription to some and i have some i never ever even ordered coming to my mail box like people magazine

Magazine Deals Now
Magazine subscription ripoff

MTS Circulation LLC-152
Consumer Report