Credit Card Interest
Scam pretending to lower interest rate


For the past three weeks, this number has come up on my call minder... 720-377-9293. It's a scam call centre I've traced to Connecticut. This scam has been going on now for a number of years, and it's the same old song. They will offer to work with the banks to lower the interest rate on your credit card. The only way they work with the banks is to get your credit card money and steal from your account. The above number is not a real number, so U.S. Phone companies are complicit in this and every other scam emanating from the land of the bull, uh, gutless. The phone companies, or the government, must put a stop to these pathetic little worms by not allowing them to use phony numbers. Now being a Canadian, i"m reasonably intelligent, so I haven't fallen prey to these American yahoos who wouldn't be able to get a real job if it hit them in the face on a windy night. At the moment, I'm working with our local police fraud squad to track down these scammers and put them out of business. If this number appears on your call minder, pick up your receiver and hang up. They will call you every day after that, so be prepared for a long haul. If you happen to be taken in by these creeps, call your credit card company immediately, and tell them you didn't authorize the debit. Stay vigilant. Put your name on the Do Not Call List. Don't answer any calls from the U. S unless it's your uncle Harry and you recognize his number.

Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Company: Credit Card Interest
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Somewhere In Connecticut
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Premier Savings A Division Of Permier Nationwide Corporation
Permier Nationwide Corporation RIP-OFF MAJOR SCAM REFUND A HOAX

Card Services
Call is a Scam

Consumer Report

Credit Card Services
Consumer Report

United Credit Foundation
Consumer Report

American Services
Company offering to lower rates on Credit card SCAM!

Lower Your Interest Rate
Stop calling

888-247-9280 Ripoff Tried to take me for $249.00 and my bank account numbers

Financial Card Services
Tried to run a scam

Ripoff The credit card companies haven't heard from them, and have not lowerd your payments or interest. But DSI has no problem charging $259.00 to your credit card for the services, they claim they have done for you