Law Offices Of Sherin Thawer
Attorney has ripped off several people, specially Immigrant of money


Law Offices of Sherin Thawer law firm is fraud and rude. The attorney Sherin, who is crazy and rude was a real estate and used to sign closing paper to make money, until she figured out that she can become an immigration attorney and ripp off immigrants. She has is after your money and doesn't even know that there is a dead line associated with filing asylum. She claims to do community service on radio and uses local desi radio to advertise, she never answers people's questions and asks them to come to her office. One day, the caller called and asked that they dont want to prusue a case with immigration, and asked for her adivce. She said to bring the paper work for her review. Now, why would someone go to an attorney, pay them money and not pursue a case. She is rude an insulting to people, Don't ever go to this attorney or this firm.

Company: Law Offices Of Sherin Thawer
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Irving
Address: 305 Cimarron Trail, Suite 160
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Law Offices Of Sherin Thawer
Shrin Thawer Mislead, misguided and continues to hold our money

Sherin Thawer of Thawer Law
Is Bipolar and Mentally Ill

Law Offices Of Sherin Thawer
Sherin thawer is a fraud and no good as a immagration attorney

Law Offices Of Sherin Thawer
This Attorney is a Ripp off and steals money from clients

Law Offices of Sherin Thawer
RUDEST ever, Will not listen to your particular situation and provides general advise, No concept of privacy

Sherin Thawer
Deceptive sales practice has non-english speaker sign a "non-refundable" fee for service you dont need

Rahim Thawer
Clients are paid fakes. Pays them $3 to lie

Cheryl David Immigration Attorney
The "Beak" or the "Witch" Fraudulent Immigration Attorney, Fake Asylum Cases, Overcharging Clients, Overbilling, Fraudulent Billing, Unethical Attorney

Jin Choi, Jin Choi & Associates, P.C., Jin Choi & Associates
Terrible Service, SCAM ARTISTS

Jin Choi, Jin Choi & Associates
Scammed me out of $3,000, never did any of the requested work, tell nothing but lies, very RUDE, been very inconsiderate, been very unprofessional, very unpleasent, Atlanta ()