Vuulu Corp
Runs online auction site, but it's a giant scam. Users purchase bids to bid on cheap electronics. The only thing is that it's impossible to win the auctions

Miscellaneous is an online penny auction site. The way it works is by users purchasing bids for 75cents and in return they have a chance to purchase cheap electronics. The time of the auction runs down, like any other auction, but every time a user bids on a product, 5 to 10 sec get added onto the remaining time.

The problem with the site is that it's impossible for a user to win. Anytime a user bids on a product, that has less then 30sec remaining on the auction, there is automatically a counter bid. Also, if a user bids on a product that has, lets say, 25sec remaining. At this point 10sec gets added onto the auction resulting in 35sec remaining. There is no counter bid until the 30sec mark is reached. This happens every time! The is automatic counter bidding the users, making it impossible to win.

It's pretty clear, once you test it out. Wait for an auction to get down to the last 1 or 2 sec remaining and place a bid. At that point, before you can even blink, your bid has been beat instantly by another so called "user". Try this a couple of times, and you'll soon see that you have no chance of winning. Then, instead of waiting for the last 1 or 2 sec of the auction, try placing a bid at 10,15 or 20sec remaining. The same thing happens. The only time it doesn't happen, is when your bid makes the auction result in more then 30sec remaining. No one will counter bid you until the 30sec remaining mark. It's like clockwork every time.

Also, Vuulu Corp. Is suppose to be located at 557 South Glenoaks Burbank, CA, but after doing some searching I found that the only business registered to that address is A B F Service, a brick and concrete company. And "Vuulu Corp" isn't even a registered business in California.

oakville, Ontario

Company: Vuulu Corp
Country: USA
State: California
City: Burbank
Address: 557 South Glenoaks Blvd
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Vuulu Corp
HUGE SCAM Vuulu is an online auction site, but it's impossible to win anything on it
Swipe Bids Auction Refusal of 30 Guarantee refund

Ends auctions before time is up wasting consumers bids hidden costs cost me 62 dollars to buy out a 50 dollar card
Online auction website. Online auction website

Auction Website Misleads With Low Prices But Countdown Goes Back Up After Bids in Last Seconds

Live online penny auction auctions don't work like this! Buying bids, bidding, losing auction, bids not returned to bidde

BeeZid Rip Off - Paying for bids and you hardly ever win
Beezid the auctions on this site are rigged. I spent over $250.00 buying "bids" in order to bid on auctions. I've been buying on auction sites for years, and i know i won at least four auctions. At the en

Scam or un-ethical
Consumer Report