Readers Digest - Elizbeth Scott - Ben Hainsworth
Readres Digest - Elizbeth Scott - Ben Hainsworth this is a awful rip off scam they need to be stoped its terrible to do people that way


I recieved a letter it says readers digest says i won 850,00.00 dollars sent a check for 3,850.00 dallarssent a file reference numberrd645/5/08 sad to call elizabeth scott to activate my claimbefore i deposit the check in the bank so i called her she said to take the check to the bank that my bank would talk to her bank so i did my bank called the nomber got ahold of elizbeth then she hung up on them people like this should be put behind bars plus the check an letter look so real even my bank said it looked real it was singed ben hainsworth prize disbursement there has to be something done about these people who prey on poor people

Company: Readers Digest - Elizbeth Scott - Ben Hainsworth
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Seattle
Address: 1102 16th Ave
Phone: 7788623277
  <     >  


Readers Digest - AIG - Ben Hainsworth
FRAUD Scam from Readers Digest and AIG Annuity Insurance Company

Reader's Digest Inc., Ben Hainsworth, Reader's Digest Sweepstakes
Ben hainsworth sent check for $4500.00, said total prize $875,000 once i deposit the check

Reader's Digest Inc., Ben Hainsworth, Reader's Digest Sweepstakes
Sweepstakes Fraud by "Readers Digest"

Readers Digest Sweepstakes
Scam! Do not cash check that comes with this letter, don't even call the number!

Readers Digest Sweepstake
Readers Digest Sweepstake Expense Check

Reader's Digest AIG Annuity Insurance Company
Stealing identity

Readers Digest Attn. Ben Hainsworth
This letter is to inform you of the release of the readers digest lotto

John Davis Readers Digest Sweepstakes
Readers Digest Winning Readers Digest Lotto

Reader's Digest - AIG Annuity Insurance Company
Sweepstake's Rip Off To Steal Your Identity & Amarillo & Texas

Readers Digest Lotto
Sent me a check fo 2,843.58 wanting me to deposit in the account claiming I was a winner of a lotto drawing for 152.000.00