AKA GFC Grants For Citizens Beware Nicosia


Beware Grants For Citizens! I found this company by following a link from a site that had scam information. The link led me to an apparent Cosumer Group that evaluated different companies offering grant assistence. This looked like a legitamate consumver advocay group. Three companies offering these services were rated. I used the filter on this site that would find the best service to use. The best service was the number 1 company, Grants for Citizens. They offer free material for a $1.98 shipping charge. They say you can cancel and get a refund at any time. I opted for this. Luckly I have alerts on my credit card for online transactions. I found the $1.98 charge was made in Israel. So I became suspicious. I was led to subsequent sites claimed more services for larger fees that wiuld assist you in writing grants. Most were subscriptions. I declined and was led to another site selling services. I backed up to the original sign up page. This $1.98 fee was also an agreement for a subscription with monthly charges of approx $60. I called the number to cancel my membership. I was put on hold for a long time. While waiting, I read the legal rights are those of Cyprus and that I had entered a contract with the company subject to the laws of Cyprus. I read a RipOff posting about another company that used the same MO. That person had a lot of difficulty canceling. I hung up on the unanswered phone call and called my credit card company to see if I could prevent any future transactions because I figured it would be very difficult to cancel. They (my bank) offered a solution, which I agreed to. Beware this company.

Country: Cyprus
Phone: 8888518601
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