Worldwide Shopping Network Rewards
Worldwide Shopping Network - Rewards WSN DID NOT SHIP ALL THE ITEMS I ORDERED


Placed on order in Feb. Was told it would arrive 4-6 wks. After numerous calls they finally sent a partial shipment. After more call, emails etc someone told me they were having trouble filling the shipment. The company they were dealing with went out of business, but they contacted another company to finish my order in Texas.
I was told it will arrive in about 4 wks or less. Yes that was the end of March, first of April. It will be the first of June in about 3 days, now I can not reach them at all. They do not answer emails or phone numbers. Now I can not get on their internet site.
Now I have no way to get my stuff that I ordered, or even get my money back. They took the payment out of my credit card right away. And I am still waiting for a response from them.

Company: Worldwide Shopping Network Rewards
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Phone: 8138890467
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Worldwide Shopping Network/Rewards
Wsn did not ship items i ordered 11/27/08

Worldwide Store
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Worldwide Shopping Network
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