CPL Pay.com
Made fraudulent withdrawl of two sums of money from my account


I went to the ATM only to find that i had no funds available, upon discovering this i then contacted my bank who informed me that CPLpay.com had withdrawn over 30 GBP from my account. I had not authorised any such withdrawl, in fact until that time i had never even heard of this company.

Upon further scrutiny of my account this is not the first time such a withdrawl has been made, the first was early May 09, on both occasions my bank also charged me for an overseas transaction, related to this payment made to cplpay.com.

My banks fraud department are now looking into it, but there seems no way that we can protect ourselves from sharks of this nature that rip us off on a constant basis.

United Kingdom

Company: CPL Pay.com
Country: USA
Site: cplpay.com
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