Artictic Creatios Decor LLc
Rip-off fake recorded agreement


A Representative from the superpages called and promised me more leads for my painting business at a really affordable price, I asked several times if this required an agreement and she said no no no don't worry you'll be just fine, after a couple of weeks of waiting for my welcome pakage or at least a welcome e mail with no luck, I decided to call them and ask to cancell my order they said it was to late because I had a recorded agreement with them. This is not fair I like to report this so people out there dont make this same mistake, and may be somebody is capable to help me whit this situation. Their phone #1800-942-2624 or 1866-478-2611.

Company: Artictic Creatios Decor LLc
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Lutz
Address: 24824 Silversmith Dr
Phone: 8132103031
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T mobile
T-mobile changes agreement-waits 2 months before telling you


Supermedia llc
Not What It Seems

Supermedia llc
Not What It Seems

Thomson Inc
Thomson INC Second report, RCA is a rip off, Acc-U-Lead, Chris Taylor, Ron Morgan, Patty
Ron Morgan, Chris Tylor, Patty,,, I ordered 30 leads at a set price per lead. I received 11 in 110 days!

CRC of Virginia, Inc
COLLECTING $1000 WORTH OF MAGAZINE ON A RECORDED CONTRACT, explanation given by the collecting company CCSI
Slick 90 day agreement that you get AFTER you try to cancel

Mailbox Magazines
Wants me to pay $897.00 without a written binding contract from me that they send to me agrreeing to payment plan

Southern Management Systems - Robert Weaver
Unethical, rude, uncooperative, mannerless, cowardly