Obac Educational Services - Obaceducational.com - Thepostalserviceexam.com
Dishonest company no refund liars stolen credit cards reporting to federal trade commission!


Obac educational services (www.obaceducational.com) also known as (www.thepostalserviceexam.com) stole my credit card number and made numerous charges. I called them to order a bogus package of books to help me get a job with the us postal service and i never received anything. I called for a refund and was rudely hung upon. I am notifying the federal trade commission (ftc). They don't even have a physical address as to where they do business. It is a po box. Buyer beware to not deal with these liars!

Company: Obac Educational Services - Obaceducational.com - Thepostalserviceexam.com
Country: USA
State: Georgia
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Obac Educational Services
Sales rip off

OBAC Educational Services
False advertising

OBAC Educational Services
Misleading Ads and Refuses to issue my refund!

Countrywide Mortgage
Bogus Value opinion value of home

Capitat One Services
Capital One Services Credit ripoff and fraud File your complaints with the Federal Trade Commission

Deceptive practices, FRAUD! Ripoff

Countrywide Mortgage
Scam and cheating

TCA Fulfillment Services

MWI Connections Aka Memberworks Aka MWI Essentials
Ripoff Fraudulent Billing the number for ftc report this ripoff

Credit Card Scams
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