My Bath
Inc. Stole $5600 by not shipping our hot tub as promised Kansas City


We bought a hot tub from them in August off of ebay. The shipping terms stated it would ship in 6-9 weeks from purchase. My husband mailed them a check and it cleared immediately. We waited about 12 weeks and contacted them about the hot tub after not receiving it. The dispicable person my husband spoke with said it was stuck in customs in Long Beach, CA and as soon as it cleared customs, they would ship it. The dispicable person said we should receive it within a month.

We waited a month and my husband called them back to see what was going on. The next dispicable person my husband spoke with said it was still in customs and to try back in a month.

We waited and called them back again and this time he said he thought we didn't want it anymore because he hadn't heard from us in so long! Unbelievable!!! I guess he thought we wanted to donate $5600 to them! My husband said, no we want the hot tub or our money back. The dispicable person said they had sold our hot tub and did not give refunds, only store credit and would send a store inventory for us to choose from.

We waited for the inventory list and never received it. We called back and asked for a refund again. This time he said they were getting another shipment of hot tubs in and would ship it in 7-10 days.

We then received a letter from My Bath, Inc. That they had went of of business and if we had an outstanding order it would not be able to be filled/delivered or refunded to the business failure. They then apologized for any inconvenience. It was also stated that IF bankruptcy was filed we would be listed in the bankruptcy as a debtor and a seperated notice would be sent.

Company: My Bath
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: N. Kansas City
Address: 210 East 18th Ave
Phone: 8168422464
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My Bath Inc
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