Elite Personal Search
Elite Personal Search


Interestingly, it was proven in my mind that the matchmakers are good for nothing and I won’t get my partner through them. When a friend suggested Elite Personal Search, I was not ready to take the plunge. She insisted and after much cajoling I gave in.

I visited their office at San Francisco and was happy to be lead into a personal discussion with a matchmaker especially for me! I think this made the real difference.in other dating websites and companies, this personal touch was missing and when you did not get matched to the right person time and again, the level of frustration kept mounting. But at Elite, due to the compatibility report, things worked.

Almost all men I met were matched to my requirements. We had similar hobbies, interests and values. This left no need of compromise for me. I dated the first guy for a couple of weeks and he was also into trekking like me. But he had unresolved family issues and I decided to move on. The second guy was gentlemanly as I had asked and we shared same interests. After dating for two months I came to know that he was very committed but wanted me to shift with him to New York for which I was not prepared.

I met my matchmaker in the meantime and updated her on the dating episodes. She assured me that this time I would not be disappointed and the screening process would suit my updated requirements.

I was impressed that they were ready to make changes to the requirements at a later stage too and were not staunch in their behavior. The third guy that I dated was indeed what was right for me. It seemed to me that this time the matchmaker waved some magic wand and I landed up with my man. We are still dating but both of us are sure that we are made for each other and will face the world together! How romantic, isn’t it!

Company: Elite Personal Search
Country: USA
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Elite Personal Search
Elite Personal Search - Dating Service

Elite Personal Search
Had no complaints

Elite Personal Search
Elite Personal Search - Their Pants Are On Fire. Run from Elite Personal. Do your own random dating and save your money. From the billing statement the company is part of "active singles" online dating

Elite Personal Search
Happy Campe

Elite Personal Search
Run, Run, Run!

Elite Personal Search

Elite Personal Search
Don't waste your money

Elite Personal Search
Bait and Switch

Elite Personal Search
Dating parameter - Dating Service

Elite, matchmaking
Found my husband