IRC Alliance
Sneeky and back handed, stold my bank card info. And took money from my account only 1.97 but over drew my account and cost me 300. Dollars


By over drawing my account the bank charged me a total of 300. Dollars I am dissabled and live on ssi mo. Checks, which are limited and I can. Barily pay my bills. The bank sead they would replace the 300 if I could get the money back, but the phone number they gave me as the companys number turnes out to be a computer buzz and nowone can be reached. I have no way to get back that 300 back and Idont know how I am going to make ends meet. Company name as seen on my bank information is IRC Alliance phone 877 667 1880.

Company: IRC Alliance
Country: USA
Phone: 8776671880
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