Furniture Direct Worldwide
They took my money, now I can not get in contact with them, Ive been scamed Malaga Spain


The company I have a dispute is called Furniture Direct Worldwide. This company was recommended to me by a Company Called Ready Rental PropertiesWith whom I had signed up with to rent out my property in Cyprus.

I paid the first deposit in August of aprox 8,500 Euros and the second deposit of aprox 7,500 Euros, this was full and final paymen to them. A Man who called himself Dave Connor rang me to ask about the seond deposit I realised Furmiture Direct Worldwide had moved premises and was no longer in the same building as Ready Rental Properties. At this ooint I rang Ready Rental Properties to see if they would still recommend Furniture Direct Worldwideand they said that they had no hesitation in doing so.

Dave told me that the furmiture would be delivered and installed within seven to ten days not the three months as expected. He put this in an email. He also told me he did the snagging (the id a final check of the property) and quoted me 250 Euros for this service, which I expected to be final payment to them which I paid to them in March 09.

He rang me and told me verbaily that they had received my fimal payment. I asked for a receipt and he said he would sort one out - which he never did.

To cut a long story short since the fimal payment was made he has given me false installation dates, has made no calls to arrange to collect the keys off the developer which I would have to write a permission letter for him to collect them no contact was made. He told me he had already installed the furniture at which I asked how could he have done that without the keys - he answered well I couldn'thave installed it then could I. I new then that this company was stringing me along.

Since the final conversation no contact has been and now the one telephone number I have goes onto an answering machine and it's full. I have since found out that I am on of many people that this has happened to. I spoke to Developers I was involved with in the purchase of my property and they have many cliants with the same problem. I spoke to a second Developer and the told me that it was common knoledge that thiescompanys what they call a bogus company and have done this many times before.

I went to Cyprus to try to sort out what could be done with regards to new furnitureand to see if we could buy direct from supplies to save money the furniture in cypris is so expensive.

We came back on the 12th April to find an email from furniture Direct Worldwide saying that they had a problem with their supplies and their suppliers were refusing to supply the furniture to them unless all payments were made up fromt in full. I have paid my furniture in full and so this should not be an issue for them.

If this is the case they should be able to supply me with their supplies name and address so we can confirm this is the case.

I want my money back. I have contacted two solicitors upto now and the dont seem to be in any hurry to do anything and I am still waiting for them to contact me.

Can anyone help me with information about this company and weather anyone could tell me if they have had any joy with getting their money back. Please can someone help me. We have given these cruks over 16,000 Euros and I'm at a loss of what to do.

I can't just walk away without a fight. These people must be realy be rubbing their hands together. We are left with a property we can't rent out because we cant aford any more furniture and are having to pay the morgage every month.

United Kingdom

Company: Furniture Direct Worldwide
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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