GNS, INC Also Known As
GNS, INC Also Known As NutraLane Unauthorized Charges GNS Inc Arvada Colorado


I received a free trial for Acai Berry and called my doctor to see if I could take it becuase I had just been put on high blood pressure meds and she said no. You have 15 days from shipment to cancel and further autoships according to the company. I called immediately and cancelled any further shipments and wrote down the information and the cancellation number and dated it. I just received a double shipment that was charged to my visa. I called to find out why and was given a new cancellation order number yesterday and told to call back today with the old cancellation information that I had at work. When I called they sent me to two different supervisors and tried to say that this is not one of their cancellation numbers and there is nothing they can do about refunding my money for an order I never placed.

I am going to my bank to refute these unauthorized charges and trying to find out how to return this product and get my money back. They were not only rude to me they hung up on me and I had to call back just to get another supervisor unwilling to give me authoriztion to return the product and get my refund. She wants a copy of my phone bill with their number on it faxed to her. This is ridiculous for something that I did not order int he first place. She told me without proof that I called her, which is the cancellation number and date information with the order number that I have which she say's is not in their system, she will not refund my money. Even when I get a copy of my phone bill and fax it to her they still won't validate the cancellation number.

Company: GNS, INC Also Known As
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 6452 Fig St Suite A
Phone: 8772421376
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Internet Purchasers Beware of NutraLane and GNS and ReservXP

GNS NutraLane LLC
Offered free samples and billed for VIP Club auto-ship

Extreme Acai Berry
Unauthorized charges

ResVer XP - NutraLane
Complete Ripoff - fraudulently taking funds not authorized. Arvada

GNS, Inc. Aka Nutralane
Unauthorized Charges to Our Credit Card... Twice! $79.90. Even After We Called And Received a Cancellation Number

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HEATH-CLEANSE (866-829-7198) Max Acai Berry SCAM!

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FX Supplements - Aci Berry Maxx
Aci Berry Maxx - FX Supplements Did not acknowlege cancellation, sent 2 more deliveries, unable to get into the cancellation site

Failed to live up to promise and all employees hostile and argumentative. Refused to credit mu account after product was returned

Rez-V-Max Or Rez-V -2000
"Phony" Cancellation & Charged My Bank Acct!