Portfolio Recovery Associates
Severe violations of FDCPA and UCC


This company's employees regularly engage in harrassment, fraud (mail, wire, conspiracy to commit, etc.), do not call commands (written as required by FDCPA), and other distinct violations of federal and state laws. They have absolutely no standing as a third party to collect any debt owed by a principal to another creditor, unless the principal gives signed written permission to the third party to purchase the debt and become the novation creditor.

Upon demand, the Uniform Commercial Code requires an alleged creditor to give legal "validation" for a debt (written statement under oath and penalty of perjury that the debt is valid, and that the debtor owes the debt to the creditor). Portfolio knows this, which is why they will not validate any debt, or make a report on a person's credit record. For them to do so would constitute fraud. They know that they do not have any legal standing to demand payment of a debt that they have "purchased" without the principal's written and signed permission. To do so constitutes fraud and racketeering (RICO).

Upon a request for validation of the alleged debt from a Portfolio employee recently, she became extremely irritated, and said that she/Portfolio would be providing no such validation, and that (fraudulent) collection efforts would continue, and slammed the phone in my ear. They absolutely HATE to deal with anyone who knows anything about commercial law. They HATE it because they know they cannot pull the wool over such people's eyes.

She tried to claim that they had sent me a dispute package in and that I had declined to dispute. I informed her that I had received no such package, and asked her if she could provide proof that any such package had been sent to me. She said she could, but when I asked her what her alleged proof was, "hem & haw" was the order of the day. Clearly this girl had NO IDEA how the law works, and was bent on the "power" she perceived herself to have. It was harrassment, plain and simple, and I WILL be filing complaints with the FCC, FTC, State SCC, and Attorney's General (Federal and State).

Company: Portfolio Recovery Associates
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Norfolk
Address: 120 Corporate Boulevard
Phone: 7575199300
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Portfolio Recovery Associates
Clear violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

Portfolio Recovery Associates
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