Celebrity Sexy White Teeth
Celebrity sexy white teeth


For those of you that are looking for an alternative number for celebrity sexy white teeth operates under ionlineorder.com and their number is 1-866-976-3693.

To get the 99.99 dollar charge off your account, you have to call and cancel out of the VIP program and return the product for a full refund.

This company is definitely a scam and makes it difficult to get your money back, but i hope this helps

Company: Celebrity Sexy White Teeth
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Aurora
Site: celebritysexywhite.net
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IONLINEORDER.com - Celebrity Sexy Teeth Whitener
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Celebrity Sexy White Teeth
Sexy Rip Off

Celebrity Sexy Teeth
Super ripoff ~ not sure why today show & usa today endorses this product! Denve

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Celebrity Sexy Teeth - celebrity sexy teeth

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Expensive Scam - celebrity sexy teeth

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WellnessWatchersMD, Celebrity Sexy Teeth Whitener
WellnessWatchersMD Rip-Off Celebrity Sexy Teeth Whitener Rip-Off. $49.99 plus $29.99 / Mo. For nothing

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Celebrity sexy teeth - celebrity sexy teeth ultra whiening smile enhance

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Horrible SCAM - celebrity sexy teeth ultra whiening smile enhance

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Celebrity Sexy Products Also Wellness Watchers (Think They Are Coonected) Wellness Watchers charged me $59.50 dated, Celebrity teeth, Aug5, $99.99 on visa, the whitner is not good it doesn't work Wellness Watchers Is Located Princeton New Jersey