Alternate Aves
Alternate Aves Lie upon lie stole $8,000


In september of i enlisted the services of Alternate Aves, at which time their full service was to be $6,000, but if i wanted to rush my name change i could pay an extra $2,000 for a total of $8,000, i dealt BOTH with Karen frey AND Andre Smith which he would try and have you beleive as he tried with me he knew nothing of this, he spoke to me on three way with his agent which is what karen frey was until she dissapeared a month or so ago, i contacted the website, and Andre smith contacted me through email claiming this is the first time he heard of me. Well thats jumping ahead, it is now april of i pd $8,000 in cash transferred into karen freys wachovia acount, i have the deposit slip, i also got a signed contract money back guarantee from alternate aves, so within the next week Andre called me and said how karen was a rep for him and how it was his business and he would be taking care of it, then i got stories that the brokers to get tradelines dissapeared, this went on until march!!! I was that payient as i lay in and out of hospitals with heart surgeries and possibly awaiting an open heart surgery. Andre finally contacted me about a month ago, first as i threatened to get the attorney general and others involved he said he would have his lawyers litigate this forever and i wouldnt see a dime. I stayed calm and tried to give him now again the benefit of the doubt, ok, so three weeks later now and he has not called me, has not produced any tradelines, nothing, karen his agent dissapeared, and she swears that andre smith stole my money as he has done to others, as i see others are listed with the same problem on this website. I have someone who can locate anyone at anytime, and andre asked for my help in finding his former employee karen as he said she took the money. I had my guy call him multiple times, and actually i hope andre sees this becuase my guy has located andre and we do have some pretty good connections with the legal authorities in california, i live in nj, but the attorney general in nj, will work with the attny general in california as they are tired of people getting ripped off. I told him, i just want this resolved, i gave him three more weeks now, enough is enough, i now last night, being that he doesnt answer his phone and when it goes to the voicemail you cant leave a message as it is full. I did text message him and warn him of my next step which included being on here, he gave no response. If there is anyone that can rock his boat and get this resolved, i would really appreciate it, it is called theft by decpetion, he also hits wire fraud along with a bunch of other serious charges that he blows off. I just want my money back at this point, thats it. If this site or anyone here can make that happen, i wopuld be grateful and show my gratitude with a reward. I thank you

Company: Alternate Aves
Country: USA
State: California
City: Canoga
Phone: 8186203152
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