Tango Transport
Wrongfully Terminated


I started working for Tango Transport in April. They really treated me great. I ran alot of miles and everybody was so nice. I got home on weekends and sometimes I was able to stop thru the house to take my 10 hour break during the week. I felt like Tango was home for me.

In October of I ran a red light in Hillsboro, Texas. It was my mistake. I faxed Tango a copy of the citation the next business day. They called me to offer to pay the ticket and take that money out of my paycheck. I told them that I have taken care of it. And that was it.

In Feburary of I had a job offer from a local company. Even though I was being paid well and had great hometime, the local company offered me daily home time and plenty of hours. So I got with Tango and put in my notice. They told me they hated to see me leave and that I was a great driver. They also told me that if this local job does not work out, I am free to come back to Tango.

After a month of the local company, I saw that the hours that they said I was going to get was not there. I was unhappy at this job. So I called Tango back up to see if I could drive for them again. The recruiter asked me if I had anymore tickets since the last ticket I had in Hillsboro, Texas. I said no. He then had to ask a higher authority if I was eligible for rehire. And I was. So off back to Shreveport I went.

When I got to Shreveport and started orientation, they gave us an application we all had to fill out. With that application was a copy of my MVR report. I saw that the MVR had not listed the ticket in Hillsboro. I asked about that and the instructor told me that sometimes it takes 6 months or so for that to show up on the MVR. I told him that I got that ticket when I was employed with Tango the first time. He said to write that ticket down on the application in which I did.

Two months later I had an accident in Fort Worth, Texas. I hit a car in my blind spot as I was changing lanes going about 4 or 5 miles per hour. I called that in like I was supposed to and was told not to worry about a thing.

About 2 weeks later, I was brought in for flatbed training. They had a new dedicated lane that I was approved for that would get me home on weekends and thru the week. I had made arrangements to move closer to Shreveport to do this dedicated account. When I was brought in for training in Sibley, LA, I went to the terminal manager to ask him where I needed to go. He asked me if I am Isaac Stephens. I said yes sir. He said have a seat. He told me that they have been trying to get me in the terminal for a week. They said that I was going to go through some training just to get me to the terminal.

When he told me to sit down, he told me that I was being terminated for falsification of the application. He said that I did not tell them about the ticket I recieved in Hillsboro in 2007. I told him that that was untrue. I gave them a copy of the citation and the recruiter asked me about it during our phone interview. He shrugged his shoulders, and said that it was not his call.

I was sent home on the spot.in the weeks that followed, I called Tango about getting a copy of my application that I filled out for them in March of but they have failed to do so.

I know that they knew about that ticket, but they lied to me saying they didn't know about it. I trusted Tango Transport to help me provide for my family. I liked how they treated the drivers with respect, but maybe I was completly wrong about them the whole time.

Since then, I have not been able to find a respectful job. My wife and kids have faith in me, but I don't know how they can because of how I used to provide for them well and now we are struggling to make ends meet. I am sure that Tango Transport alone has ruined my career.

Company: Tango Transport
Country: USA
State: Louisiana
City: Shreveport
Address: 6009 Financial Plaza
Phone: 8003680599
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